Are you killing yourself in the gym to lose tummy fat and finally get that rock hard stomach that you see on all the fat burning, weight t...
Are you killing yourself in the gym to lose tummy fat and finally get that rock hard stomach that you see on all the fat burning, weight training and exercise equipment commercials? I'm sure you know that most of the products that those people are selling are not the cause for their rock hard abs. A lot of the people devote 3 - 4 hours in the gym a day to get that bodies that look like there is not an ounce of fat anywhere near their zipcode non the less their body.
Most of these guys are professionals and they make a living looking good and not having to work a day to day job like you and me. Good for them, but what about us how does the average Joe or Jane get lose tummy fat. Here are a couple of tips that will help you get great results without having to make the gym your second home.
"To jog or not to jog, that is the ?"
Don't get me wrong jogging or as Ron Burgandy likes to pronounce it, "yogging" is good exercise, but you need to mix it up a little. Instead of a simple 1 hour jog, speed up the treadmill every now and then. Professionals call this interval training, it's mixing up running with jogging. How I do it is, I start to jog for about 5 minutes and then I speed up the treadmill to the top speed I can run for about a minute or 2. then slow it back down for 2-3 minutes and then speed it back up. I do this for about 15 to 25 minutes depending how I feel physically.
Change is Good.
Doing the same old crunch or sit-up will not cut it, especially with all the research and technology out there. You need to mix up your ab workout routines. Doing different types of ab routines will give you a well rounded core and also will strengthen your back. Believe it or not your body gets bored of the same old thing everyday and you will not get the results you're looking for if you constantly do the same routine over and over. Well, what other exercises can I do to lose tummy fat? I'm glad you asked, Simply go to YouTube and type in the search bar "ab workouts", and you will get thousands of step by step videos on different ab workouts. I'm telling you this will get you pumped up and more excited about working out.
"Motivation is a dish best served all the time."
I think motivation is key to anything you do that involves struggle and work. Motivation can make you or break you. Riddle me this, how many times have you started working out and 2 weeks later rested for 2 days and the 2 days turned into 2 months. This is why you need to mix up your workout routines, because if you constantly do the same thing over and over you will burn yourself out mentally. Whatever it takes to stay on track make sure you focus on that daily. If your focus is to lose 30 pounds, put pictures on your computer screen of before and after pictures of people that have done it or anything that will motivate you to get up and get your butt in shape. If you find that those pictures or notes do not work after a while put up something else.
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